For example, if one user leaves the position to which the HW token belongs as an identity authentication method and is replaced by a new user, the HW tokens can be removed from the existing user and assigned to the new user. The token remains active during the operation. In the case of a HOTP token, it is advisable, if the operator has the space to do so - has the token in their possession - to also reset the token after enrolling the new user -  see (1)Unassign token, (2)Enroll new token and (3)Reset token help pages

1. How to unassing token from user


Open the Operational console, go to the Devices section and open the HW tokens tab.


Token list will be displayed.


Optionally use filter to find specific token - fill chosen parameters and press SUBMIT button.


Press the UNASSIGN FROM USER button [ ] within the chosen token from the context menu [ ] and confirm the unassignment.


Token will be unassigned from the user so the user will no longer be able to use it for own authentication. Unassigned token is prepared for new assignment.

2. How to enroll new token

Press the ADD NEW TOKEN button on the TOKENS tab on the detail of the user and select the token type that can be registered on behalf by operator:

Click on the links to see the detail of the enrollment of specific token.

  • Note: token types names are fully adjustable by administrator, so it could be different from used samples.

3. How to reset token for the user


Open the Operational console, go to the Devices section and open the HW tokens tab.


Token list will be displayed.


Optionally use filter to find specific token - fill chosen parameters and press SUBMIT button.


Press the RESET TOKEN button [ Reset token ] within the chosen token from the context menu [ ]

  • Note: not all token types allow the reset action to be performed (mainly hotp types of tokens).


The token reset form will be opened.


Generate two consecutive one-time passwords (OTP) from Google authenticator or a HW token key, enter them into the form and press RESET button.

  • Note: It is necessary to follow the order of entering both OTPs


If everything is correct, you will see information about the successful reset.

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