TODO: revise privileges

The Operational Console is the part of the application that exclusively serves the needs of the help desk operators or user administrators of each tenant. It contains functions that allow you to authenticate users, view user details, register login tokens, delete users or generate an emergency token for emergencies.

Areas of documentation in Operational console:


Describes how to work with list of users of relevant tenant.

Display user detail

Describes the user detail and relevant actions.


Describes the list of user's tokens and relavant actions.


Describes the list of uploaded documents and relevant actions.

Groups & Privileges

Describes the list of user's groups and privileges.

Emergency access

Describes the emergency access feature - how to create an emergency access code for authentication in exceptional situations.

User Authentication

Describes the user authentication feature - how to authenticate user by sending OTP.

Show Magic questions

Describes the possibility to display user's magic questions and answers.


Describes the list of devices and relevant actions.

HW tokens

Describes the list of HW tokens and relevant actions.

vSEC devices

Describes the list of vSEC devices and relevant actions.

vSEC Cards

Describes the list of vSEC cards and relevant actions.

AAD management

Describes the list of users and relevant devices for the Azure AD (possibly other AD based users).

Audit logs

Describes the list of audit logs and relevant behaviour.

Privileges related to Operational console section:

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] vsec smart card template

Allow user to select specific template for the vSEC card (within issue new card function).

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] vsec smart card search

Allow user to search for vSEC cards.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] vsec smart card revoke

Allow user to revoke the vSEC cards.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] vsec smart card delete

Allow user to delete the vSEC cards.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] vsec device issue

Allow user to issue new card for selected device.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] vsec device search

Allow user to search for vSEC devices.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] vsec device delete

Allow user to delete the vSEC device.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] token on behalf template frontend view

Display the list of available tokens in the select box within token enrollment

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] token on behalf frontend view

Display the list of Tokens on the detail of the user.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] token on behalf enroll

Allow user to enroll token to the user on behalf of the user.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] token on behalf modify

Display button for edit user's token.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] token on behalf disable

Display button for disable user's token.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] token on behalf enable

Display button for enable user's token.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] token on behalf delete

Display button for delete user's token.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] token on behalf test

Display button for test user's token.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] token on behalf sync

Display button for reset user's token.


Displays the list of HW token.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] token hw frontend view

Display HW token menu option in navigation menu.


Display the tenant switcher.


Display the list of users.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] user authenticate

Display button for execution of User authentication operation.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] user transactional log

Display the user's log.


Display button for remove user.


Display button for enroll new user on behalf.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] user details display

Allow user to display detail of user.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] access emergency create

Display button for create the emergency access code.


Display Operational console in the navigation menu.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] ldap invitation create

Display Invite new user button in Users for LDAP type invitation.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] ldap invitation display

Display the detail of the LDAP type invitation.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] ldap invitation resend

Display the resend button on the list of invitations.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] ldap invitation delete

Display the delete button on the list of invitations.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] ldap invitation onboard button

Display the create button in the Users list.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] magic questions view

Display user's magic question and answers from the user's detail.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] Hello for Business view

Display the Hello for Business menu option in the navigation.

[OPERATIONAL CONSOLE] view user elastic search logs

Display Audit log menu option in the navigation.

[MGMT CONSOLE] group membership update

Allow user to change user's groups. To assign groups from other tenants, the operator must also have this specific permission in other tenants.