Group management is part of the ANT ID configuration that covers the authorization for all the included features. In the group management user can manage ANT ID groups, roles and privileges to cover tenant's policy in the access management for all ANT ID features. In the Resource group mapping feature the external groups (groups from external resources like AAD or LDAP) can be binded to obtain roles from ANT ID groups.

Available actions for user with appropriate privileges:

Add new group

Create new group within ANT ID groups.

Edit group detail

Edit group detail.

Delete group

Delete group.

Add resource mapping

Add mapping to ANT ID groups with external resource groups (AAD, LDAP...). When the user has group configured in the external resource this mapping ensures that user gets roles from mapped ANT ID group.

Example and explanation:

User has group Administrators defined in LDAP. Without mapping this LDAP group means nothing in the ANT ID. But if the mapping with ANT ID group Administrators is done, this user will automatically get all roles (and privileges) from ANT ID group Administrators without need to have ANT ID group assigned directly.

Delete resource mapping

Remove external group binding.

Assign roles to the groups

Assign role (with privileges) to the group.

Remove roles from groups

Remove role from the group.

Add new role

Create new role.

Edit role detail

Edit role detail..

Delete role

Delete role.

Update privileges in role

Assign or update privileges in the role.

Remove privilege from role

Remove privilege from the role.


The search box allows user to find specific group or role by its name.

Display detail

[ click on the row ]

Open the drawer with the detail of the group or role.

List of all privileges with parameters is available here.

Add new group


Open the IGA - Governance section and go to the Group management.


The Groups tab will be displayed with the list of groups.


Press the ADD GROUP button [ ] to open the creation modal window.


Insert the Name and the optionally the Description of the group.

  • the name of the group cannot be changed later


Press the CONFIRM button to save new ANT ID group.

Edit group detail


Open the IGA - Governance section and go to the Group management.


The Groups tab will be displayed with the list of groups.


Mouse click on the desired group to display the details of the group or directly use the EDIT GROUP DETAIL [ ] button from the context menu [ ].


The edit window is opened. Only description is available to modify, the name cannot be changed.


Do modifications and press UPDATE button to save changes.

Delete group


Open the IGA - Governance section and go to the Group management.


The Groups tab will be displayed with the list of groups.


Mouse click on the desired group to display the details of the group or directly use the DELETE [ ] button from the context menu [ ].


Confirm the delete by pressing the DELETE button and the group will be deleted.

Add resource group mapping


Open the IGA - Governance section and go to the Group management.


The Groups tab will be displayed with the list of groups.


Mouse click on the desired group to display the details of the group.


Go to Resource groups mapping tab and press the ADD button [ ].


The Add resouces group modal is opened.


Select the resource from the list and the resource group.


Press the ADD button to move the selected group to the list of mapped groups.

  • Note: more groups can be mapped in one operation


Press the CONFIRM button to confirm the mapping.

  • Note: Now if user has selected group in the resource, he will automatically get all roles from the mapped ANT ID groups within log-in to the ANT ID applications. Even if he hasn't any ANT ID groups assigned directly.

Delete resource mapping


Open the IGA - Governance section and go to the Group management.


The Groups tab will be displayed with the list of groups.


Mouse click on the desired group to display the details of the group and go to the Resources groups mapping tab.


Click on the DELETE button [ ] within desired mapping record.


Confirm the delete by pressing the DELETE button and the mapping will be deleted.

Assign roles to the group


Open the IGA - Governance section and go to the Group management.


The Groups tab will be displayed with the list of groups.


Mouse click on the desired group to display the details of the group.


Go to Role mapping tab and press the ADD button [ ].


Choose tenant and select the role to be assigned.

  • Note: there will be tenants where user has [MGMT CONSOLE] group update privilege assigned


Press button ADD to move selected roles to the list of mapped roles.

  • Note: more roles can be added in one operation


Press the CONFIRM button to confirm the role adding..

Remove roles from groups


Open the IGA - Governance section and go to the Group management.


The Groups tab will be displayed with the list of groups.


Mouse click on the desired group to display the details of the group and go to the Roles mapping tab.


Click on the DELETE button [ ] within desired role to remove.


Confirm the delete by pressing the DELETE button and the role will be removed from the group.

Add new role


Open the IGA - Governance section and go to the Group management.


Go to the Roles tab to display roles section.


Press the ADD ROLE button [ ] to open the creation modal window.


Insert the Name and the optionally the Description of the role.


Press the CONFIRM button to save new ANT ID role.

Edit role detail


Open the IGA - Governance section and go to the Group management.


Go to the Roles tab to display roles section.


Mouse click on the desired role to display the details of the role or directly use the EDIT ROLE DETAIL [ ] button from the context menu [ ].


The edit window is opened. Only name is available to modify.


Do modifications and press UPDATE button to save changes.

Delete role


Open the IGA - Governance section and go to the Group management.


The Groups tab will be displayed with the list of groups, go to the Roles tab.


Mouse click on the desired role to display the details of the role directly use the DELETE [ ] button from the context menu [ ].


Confirm the delete by pressing the DELETE button and the role will be deleted.

Update privileges in role


Open the IGA - Governance section and go to the Group management.


Go to the Roles tab to display roles section.


Mouse click on the desired role to display the details of the role.


Go to the Privileges mapping tab and press ADD button [ ].


The modal window for privileges mapping is opened.

The full list of available privileges is displayed in a paginated format to assign. Or you can search for privileges using the filter:

  • Applications
  • Topic
  • Type of permission

Or by Search the name of the privilege.

The full list of privileges with the all attributes is here: Privileges in ANT ID


Select privileges you want and press CONFIRM button to save the role mapping.

Remove privileges from role


Open the IGA - Governance section and go to the Group management.


Go to the Roles tab to display roles section.


Mouse click on the desired role to display the details of the role.


Go to the Privileges mapping tab and press DELETE button [ ] on the desired privilege.


Confirm the delete by pressing the DELETE button and the privilege will be immediatelly removed from the role.