PROD Release 23. 01. 2024


Release date

23. 01. 2024

Expected downtime

20 min


Deployed versions:





External APIs - vx-selfservice


External APIs - enrollment


External APIs - vx-credential-reset


External APIs - vx-vault


External APIs - vx-operational-console


External APIs - vx-management-console


External APIs - vx-stats-dashboard


External APIs - vx-agent-ext


Internal APIs - vx-notification-api


Internal APIs - vx-enrollment-api


Internal APIs - vx-authentication-api


Internal APIs - vx-approval-process-api


Internal APIs - vx-vault-api


Internal APIs - vx-configuration-int-api


Frontend - selfservice-frontend


Frontend - enrollment-frontend


Frontend - credential-reset-frontend


Frontend - vault-frontend


RH-SSO - vx-keycloak-integration


Main changes in this version:

Operational console

  • External group membership management
  • Vx group membership management
  • Vx Groups assigment approval


  • Application catalogue
  • Email management center
  • Group management


  • Platform group management
  • Global technical dashboard for tenants overview

AAD Management

  • [AAD] New connector implementation
  • [AAD] New resource implementation
  • Assign/unassign device to the group

Global Personal Dashboard

  • Layout preparation
  • Widgets (to approve, secrets, connections)
  • Widgets - company apps widget
  • Add new privilege for global dashboard


  • OC - audit logs - enhance the search field
  • Implement audit log to Enrollment
  • Implement audit log to Management console
  • Implement audit log to Vault API
  • Implement audit log to App catalogue
  • Operational console - new items to audit log

Stats dashboard - new generation

  • Mechanism of data visualization
  • Refresh data mechanism
  • Privileges for the stats
  • Licences configuration
  • Combo licenses visualization
  • Static licences statistics visualization
  • SSO statistics visualization
  • FCMS statistics visualization
  • LDAP statistics visualization
  • VX statistics visualization
  • SMS statistics visualization
  • Billing statistics visualization


  • Guacamole launchers
  • Guacamole configuration page
  • Connection search
  • Create connection shortcut from drawer

Minor changes

AAD Management

  • return only SECURITY group type from CLOUD resource
  • Add possibility to define permissions for the users/groups from another tenant
  • Remove LDAP groups from IGA/AAD Profile

Enhancement of User field management

  • New field types (email, phone)
  • Possibility to define group right for user field
  • Address ownership confirmation

Application catalogue

  • Adjust Navigation to reflect the configuration in Application catalogue
  • Implement short name of the application
  • Allow possibility to add own icon for the application
  • BE: get and update app display structure endpoints
  • BE:enhance GroupResponse
  • BE:Implements Mail and SMS providers
  • BE:Implement Vsec and UserFields to MGMT console
  • BE: enhance GroupResponse
  • BE: Update Admin console implementation - application configuration moved to backend API (WEB + REST)
  • BE: Implements API to management console
  • BE: Move Application configurations to vx-configuration-int-api

Onboarding, Approval process, Notifications

  • Adjustment of the invitation form
  • Adjustment of the approval process done by your-iam token
  • Approval - remove the restriction for the approval configuration deactivation in case of pending request
  • Prepare platform messages for approval process and rest of operations
  • BE: Notification management in Tenant admin console


  • Secret template - secret fields - searchable attribute
  • Secrets - order templates (within secret creation) to alphabetical order
  • Launchers - step designer redesign
  • Vault parts in mobile display polishing
  • Mobile version polishing
  • Search for connections + display result tab
  • Connections page - visual adjustments
  • Connections - possibility to add own icons to tiles
  • Launchers - save definition of the list of lauchers to the session storage
  • Vault full page audit logs polishing


  • DE, CS Translations : merge requests preparation
  • BE: remove conf int api dependency, rework
  • Change the label on the search field
  • Vault - Launcher - Agent - restrict referencing to pyautogui step types
  • Secrets search compact design
  • Selfservice - No data in tables - incorrect message displayed
  • FE depth - Prevent double click on button (while firing API request)
  • Emergency access - authentication with TOTP (sync form)
  • BE: Create project structure
  • BE: CI/CD pipelines
  • BE: Vx Application extension - new app
  • BE: NGINX configuration
  • FE: Emergency access - authentication with TOTP
  • BE: Emergency access - authentication with TOTP
  • Add new check for the valid TOTP tokens in case of OTP step in the VF
  • Fix display of the LOGIN button on all pages and new button BACK
  • Enhance the first column to display whole value without truncating
  • Allow user to bookmark specific page/tab
  • fix sending x session ID only for komix urls
  • Allow user to see full name of the secret in the list
  • FE: Agent improvement-Step conditions
  • FE: Agent improvement - Step relation
  • FE: Agent improvement - Agent Platform
  • FE: Agent improvement - Step platform
  • BE - AC - possibility to define group right for user field
  • BE - add labels and badges for of active tasks
  • Vault - No data in tables - incorrect message displayed
  • Bulk operations - add message priority

Common components

  • New layout for Navigation Menu
  • Drawer component updates
  • Remove the questioning process to get the number of missing answers
  • Add labels and badges for of active tasks

Important bugfixes

  • Guacamole hotfixes
  • Magic Questions - Template variable not resolved (#Ticket I-2328702#)
  • TAC and GAC menu privileges display fix
  • LDAP user import - delete previous invitation call wrong endpoint
  • The state of modal window is not reseted in case odf automatic close