The Selfservice is a user portal that allows users to manage their contact details, their passwords and authentication methods likes tokens, or verification questions.

Areas of documentation in Selfservice:


Describes how to work with authentication methods and main operations with them (create, modify, remove ...).

Contact details

Describes how to work with contact details.


Describes how to store documents to the ANT ID.

Magic questions

Describes how to work with magic questions, how to create new one, how to modify the answers...


Describes how to change the password.

To approve

Describes the page with the approval request waiting for user's interaction.

My requests

Describes the page with user's requests for approval.


Describes the page with invitations and also creating invitations for sponsored onboarding

Approval proces

Describes how to approve approvable actions

Privileges related to Selfservice section:

[SELF SERVICE] password update

Access to passwords update feature

[SELF SERVICE] info update

Access to Contact details section to modify the data

[SELF SERVICE] info frontend view

Access to display Contact details section in the navigation

[SELF SERVICE] token template frontend view

Access to display templates for token in Tokens section

[SELF SERVICE] token enroll

Possibility to enroll new token

[SELF SERVICE] token sync

Access to token synchromization feature

[SELF SERVICE] token test

Access to token test feature

[SELF SERVICE] token enable

Access to token enable feature

[SELF SERVICE] token delete

Access to delete token

[SELF SERVICE] token frontend view

Access to display Tokens details section in the navigation

[SELF SERVICE] token modify

Access to token edit feature

[SELF SERVICE] token disable

Access to token disable feature

[SELF SERVICE] question magic frontend view

Access to Question section

[SELF SERVICE] question magic update

Possibility to update magic questions

[SELF SERVICE] invitation sponsorship recall

Possibility to recall sent sponsored invitation

[SELF SERVICE] invitation sponsorship view

Possibility to view sponsored invitation

[SELF SERVICE] invitation sponsorship create

Possibility to create sponsored invitation

[SELF SERVICE] invitation sponsorship delete

Possibility to delete sponsored invitation

[SELF SERVICE] my approvals list

Display list of approval requests for the user

[SELF SERVICE] my approvals view

Display detail of approval requests for the user

[SELF SERVICE] my approvals approve

Possibilty to approve request for approval

[SELF SERVICE] my approvals decline

Possibilty to decline request for approval

[SELF SERVICE] my requests view

Display the detail fo users requests

[SELF SERVICE] my requests list

Display list of users requests


Display link to Selfservice on ANT ID Vault